Tuesday, October 16, 2012

28th Annual Minnesota Knitters' Days 2012

October 19th, 20th, 21st, 2012
Dear Knitters,

Welcome to Minnesota Knitters’ Days!    

We will gather at The Villa Maria around 5:00 in the front lobby for registration and move into our rooms before dinner.  All meals are in Marian Hall in the lower level; our rooms are located on third floor along with our classroom called “The Lakeview Room” starting Saturday morning.  If you can not make it for dinner Friday evening, let me know 2 weeks before camp begins.  (They require an accurate count for meals.)

We will conduct our Annual Knitter’s Auction on Friday Evening.  Please bring an un-identified/anonymous wrapped item to auction that is related to knitting. This “knitting related” item need not be a hand knitted gift, camper’s choice.  Every year we have a wonderful variety of items and everyone seems to have a hard time choosing the item they prefer.  It’s a fun evening getting to know everyone in our group.  

Dana Tiedeman of Riverside Suri Alpacas has invited us to tour her alpaca farm and see her fiber/yarn from her beautiful animals!  We have scheduled our tour for Saturday afternoon.  She is located near the Villa, about a 5 minute drive.  This is optional, you are welcome to stay and continue knitting on your project. 

Please bring projects for Show and Share scheduled for Saturday evening.  We would like to see what everyone is creating, for new ideas and inspiration.  This is just for fun, and is not a contest.  Every year we have a “knitting garage sale” of sorts…..so feel free to bring items to sell.  We will find a space for display.

Feel free to bring snacks to share, no alcoholic beverages are allowed at the Villa.  The Villa is smoke free. 

The Villa’s phone number is (651) 345-3457, if you need to be contacted during the weekend.  The caller should be prepared to give the receptionist a name and number so you may return the call.  Address is:  29847 County 2 Blvd., Frontenac, MN 55026.  There is a website www.villamariaretreats.org. 

Attn: Dinner is at 6:00 Friday evening cafeteria style until 6:30.  If you will be late let me know and a plate will be made up for you.  Saturday breakfast is 8:00, Lunch at noon, Dinner at 6:00.  Sunday brunch is 10:00.

Anne Bosch of Blackberry Ridge will be with us again this year.  Let her know what you may want to see, visit her website at www.blackberry-ridge.com to check out what she has to offer.  Then e-mail her with suggestions and/or questions that you may have,  

HOMEWORK:   There is no homework before class.  However, Lucy suggests that you bring the following:  Solid color and a strongly contrasting variegated yarn in sport or fingering weight and appropriately sized needle (for knitting in the round).  We will start class on Friday evening.

Villa Maria is located between New Frontenac and Lake City on County Road 2.  Coming south from Red Wing on Hwy 61/63, pass through New Frontenac and go 1.3 miles, and take County Road 2 left (North) for 1/2 mile.  Our center is located just after the bridge overlooking the marsh. 
29847 County 2 Blvd
Frontenac, MN 55026-1052
Phone (651) 345-4582
Fax (651) 345-3457

We have 38 knitters participating this year.  Full roster will be available at camp.